New ESS application: scdsoft Daily Timesheet

Industry & Trends, SAP Fiori im HCM, scdsoft Lösungen / 24.06.2024

Regarding the background of the two court rulings and the draft law on working time recording, we have developed a new add-on solution for SAP HCM.

The “scdsoft Daily Timesheet” offers your employees an Employee-Self-Service for SAP Fiori, allowing them to record their time events “in one go” at the end of the workday or even at the end of the workweek.

In our video, we explain the most important questions and answers on this topic. Watch the video here to find out more.

Background & Motivation

There has been much discussion about the ECJ rulings of 2019 and the Federal Labor Court rulings of 2022, and we have already highlighted their consequences in our blog article.
On April 18, 2023, the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS) published a draft bill that envisages significant changes concerning time recording.

Here are the key points from the draft:

  • Mandatory Time Recording: Accurate, electronic, and for each workday.
  • Employers must record the start, end, and duration of their employees’ daily working hours as per the draft.
  • The obligation for electronic recording is emphasized, considering various methods such as time recording devices, apps, or “traditional spreadsheet programs.”

Senior executives remain exempt from the mandatory time recording, but employees who have previously worked in a trust-based working time model are not. Our new app is specifically designed for this group of employees.


The recording of daily working hours (start & end, as well as breaks) is consolidated into a single process. The recording is done per day and can also be performed at the end of a workday or even at the end of the workweek (including copy function).

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Time recording during a running workday.

Once the start of the working time for the current day has been recorded, the display of today’s running working time is shown.

Time recording can initially be “only” temporarily saved. After careful review of the entries for each workday by the employee, the times can be posted into the SAP HCM system. This temporary saving and posting in a separate step are intended to validate the time events, making an additional time booking correction app unnecessary. The recorded times can be posted either in the SAP HCM Infotype 2011 Time Events or in IT 2002 Attendances.

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Overview of past working days with start + end, breaks, and net working time as well as status.

The initial screen also shows information about days with missing time recording. Additionally, an inplace call of the time certificate (previous month and current month) is possible directly in the app.

Target Group

As mentioned earlier, the app was primarily designed for employees who have previously worked in trust-based working time without time recording. Even if these employees continue to work in trust-based working time, time recording is necessary. Employers meet this necessity through this Fiori app.

For this group of employees, it should also not be intended to book their working time through a time recording terminal. There is no insight from the app into already existing terminal bookings (from TEVEN). This hybrid operation is not intended with the “Daily Timesheet.”

Furthermore, employees who do not necessarily need to record their times immediately or on the same day should be provided with the app. For these employees, recording working time consolidated at the end of the day or at the end of the week is sufficient.

If all these points are met, the “scdsoft Daily Timesheet” is the right choice.

Technical Requirements & SAP HCM Integration

The “scdsoft Daily Timesheet” is an SAP HCM add-on solution with a SAP Fiori frontend. It is not a cloud solution but an on-premise solution delivered to you via SAP transport files and installed on your SAP HCM landscape (in the namespace /SCD/).

Of course, the solution can be operated with both a separate and integrated SAP Fiori Gateway. An SAP Fiori Gateway on the BTP would also be conceivable.

The app is integrated into the existing SAP Fiori Launchpad and offered to the employees who are to use it in the Employee-Self-Service. The call in the Fiori Launchpad thus takes place as usual from the intranet with Single Sign-On or with SAP user and password. If your SAP infrastructure is set up for this, the app can also be accessed via Web Dispatcher from the internet.


For companies that already operate a self-service-based time recording via SAP time booking correction (“My Time Events”) and/or scdsoft Clock in/out, nothing necessarily has to change. The arguments for both apps still exist; however, if employees who have previously been excluded must record their working time in the future, implementing the “Daily Timesheet” can be more sensible (see “Target Group” above).

Arguments for scdsoft Clock in/out and SAP Time Booking Correction:

  • Hybrid operation with terminals should be possible.
  • Correction of terminal bookings should be possible via ESS.
  • Time events should be posted directly into the SAP HCM system after recording.
  • Booking at SAP system time (scdsoft Clock in/out).

If applicable, a comprehensive replacement of previous time recording apps/media with the “Daily Timesheet” can also be considered.

Commercial Information

A one-time license fee is incurred, depending on the size of your company. Additionally, an annual maintenance fee is charged (for support and S/4HANA compatibility). The implementation usually takes place within a few PT.

Additional tool for your time recording: scdsoft Clock-in/out

The scdsoft Daily Timesheet app offers an efficient and user-friendly solution for daily working time recording, which is particularly characterized by its ease of use and flexibility. For companies that also require a more comprehensive time tracking solution, our Clock-in/out app could be an ideal addition. While Daily Timesheet makes daily time recording straightforward, Clock-in/out also enables precise recording of start and end times as well as break times and offers additional functions for more detailed evaluation.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or are interested in a live demo!

Autor: Sean Schröpfer