Reading recommendation: How dm is also leading the way in the digitization of HR processes
Digitize processes with smartphones
Smartphones are now an integral part of daily life, and they have also gained significant importance in the work routine of dm employees, both for customer service and internal processes. Find out more about how dm has digitized and simplified HR processes for its employees by deploying over 25,000 smartphones in the latest issue of “Blaupause” magazine.

Digital sending of employee documents via ESS Fiori app
Expanded the SAP standard with clever solutions
In addition to SAP’s ESS/MSS standard applications, our scdsoft add-on solutions, including the Zeugnisgenerator (certificate generator), Urlaubsplaner (vacation planner), and Bescheinigungsservice (certificate service), were integrated into the Fiori Launchpad. In addition to these best-practice approaches, we developed custom applications tailored to meet specific requirements. One app enables the digital sending of employee documents from dm stores and distribution centers to the central office. The documents, such as signed employment contracts, receipts, or medical certificates, are photographed with a smartphone, uploaded, and transmitted through the SAP system to the central office, where the responsible HR clerk can process them.
You can read the article here: How dm is advancing HR process digitalization
The entire magazine can be found here.
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