scdsoft software solution for deployment planning in vaccination centers of the Rhein-Neckar district
Since December 27, 2020, the first people have been vaccinated against the coronavirus. The Central Vaccination Center (ZIZ) in the Heidelberg Patrick-Henry-Village has been operational for this purpose since the end of December. With an adequate supply of vaccine, up to 1,500 people can be vaccinated there daily.
Maria Lommatzsch, Station Manager at the University Hospital Heidelberg, was the very first person to be vaccinated at the Central Vaccination Center in Heidelberg’s Patrick-Henry-Village on Sunday, December 27th.
The Central Vaccination Center (ZIZ) is operated by the Rhein-Neckar-Kreis on behalf of the state of Baden-Württemberg. In addition to the vaccination operations at ZIZ, mobile vaccination teams are deployed, and other district vaccination centers (KIZ) are planned. During the operating hours (daily from 7 am to 9 pm) at ZIZ, there are 13 doctors and 12 medical assistants on-site continuously. When operating at full capacity, up to 100 people are involved in two shifts in the Rhein-Neckar district.
SAP-Based Deployment Planning for Vaccination Teams
The Rhein-Neckar-Kreis County and Komm.ONE, in their search for software to plan the deployment of vaccination teams, found a solution with scdsoft AG in Karlsruhe. The software allows shift planners to coordinate and plan the deployment of their teams. It provides personnel managers with an overview of all upcoming staff availability (vacations, sick leave, training) and incorporates this information into the planning process. The software also provides information on the personal work schedules of employees.
Employees are assigned to their respective teams (ZIZ, KIZ, or mobile) and shifts using the software. The software checks each team for minimum staffing levels, ensuring that there is sufficient personnel available for each shift and team. Once the deployment planning for a period is complete, employees are notified of their assignments via email. They can also view the team calendar with their assignments in the familiar Employee-Self-Service portal.
Mr. Hilkert, the shift planner for vaccination centers at the Rhein-Neckar-Kreis County, stated, “The program provides me with a quick overview of available staff and the incorporation of vacation times and overtime into the shift planning for the next month. It also assists me in shift planning by automatically checking and providing feedback on minimum staffing requirements.”

The software is provided to the schedulers as an SAP HCM add-on solution within the NetWeaver Business Client as a Web Dynpro ABAP application.
Software implementation in record time
Thanks to great efforts on all sides, the software was delivered, implemented, and customized to meet customer requirements in record time, within 5 working days. The Rhein-Neckar-Kreis could rely on the efficient collaboration between Komm.ONE, the municipal data center, and scdsoft AG, the software provider, following a swift decision. The software went “live” just before Christmas 2020, well in time for the start of the vaccination operations.
One of the key requirements for the client was the integration of workforce planning with the existing SAP HCM time management and self-service environment. This requirement was seamlessly fulfilled by the SAP HCM add-on solution “scdsoft Vacation Planner.” The scdsoft Vacation Planner supports the entire planning, request, and approval process for all types of employee absences within a team.
“I am very pleased with the great collaborative effort of colleagues from the district administration, scdsoft AG, and Komm.ONE, which enabled us to provide a workforce scheduling program based on our existing system. Together, we were able to implement personnel planning for the large-scale vaccination center project.”
Uwe Meng from the Human Resources Department of the Rhein-Neckar District Office