
Software. Consulting. Development.
In light of new legal requirements for time tracking, we have developed the scdsoft Daily Timesheet—a powerful Employee Self-Service solution for SAP Fiori. Capture your working hours at the end of the day or week in a consolidated process while staying fully compliant with regulations.
The scdsoft Daily Timesheet is designed specifically for employees who have previously worked under a trust-based working time model without time tracking. These employees can now easily and efficiently record their working hours without relying on terminals.
For more details and answers to frequently asked questions about using the scdsoft Daily Timesheet, check out our Q&A video. Additionally, you can learn more about the legal background and how this app can support your company in our blog article on time tracking.
The intuitive interface of the scdsoft Daily Timesheet has been specifically designed to make time tracking as easy as possible. Even employees without technical expertise can easily enter and manage their working hours. The clear and user-friendly design minimizes the learning curve and ensures that every employee can use the app efficiently.
With the scdsoft Daily Timesheet, employees can record their working hours at the end of the day or at the end of the week in one single process. This streamlined procedure saves valuable time, as time tracking does not need to be done daily but can be consolidated. This significantly reduces the effort required for time tracking and simplifies the entire process.
The scdsoft Daily Timesheet is seamlessly integrated into your existing SAP HCM system. This ensures a quick implementation and use of the app without the need for extensive adjustments or additional systems. The integration ensures that recorded working hours are directly and reliably transferred to your SAP HCM system.
The scdsoft Daily Timesheet allows your employees to easily record their working hours. They can capture start, end, and breaks of their daily work time in one single step, either at the end of the workday or at the end the workweek.
Working hours can be temporarily stored and, after careful review, posted into the SAP HCM system. The app provides a clear overview of past workdays with all relevant time events, so you can immediately see any missing entries.
Recorded times are seamlessly posted to the SAP HCM Infotype 2011 Time Events or IT 2002 Attendances. Thanks to the SAP Fiori integration, the scdsoft Daily Timesheet is also available on mobile devices.
Your contact for all questions related to implementation, SAP-integration and usage:
For technical support:
Learn more about the functionalities and advantages of our add-on solution.
Anja Kastner, mhplus Krankenkasse"We have been working with scdsoft AG for several years in the area of our SAP HCM Payroll. We value scdsoft as an extremely reliable partner who always provides us with professional, competent and friendly support. For example, we received outstanding support even during a short-term personnel bottleneck. We also use several SAP HCM add-on solutions from scdsoft AG, such as the vacation planner, certification service and the overtime application. Thanks to the automated workflows, we have achieved significant process optimization and greater transparency for our employees."
Thomas Geiger, Sto SE & Co. KGaA"We have received consistently positive feedback so far. In particular, the usability with SAP Fiori and the clarity of the "vacation planner" are frequently mentioned. In addition to the productivity gain, the increase in transparency is also praised again and again. scdsoft starts where SAP leaves off."
"The advantages of the Reference Letter Creator are clearly and explicitly visible from the beginning: Due to the add-on solution, the processing time of reference letters that need to be created is reduced significantly."
Annette Fröschle, FESTO AG & Co. KG"Our experience has shown that the Reference Letter Creator can be used by all users without any training measures. The great advantage is that the entire solution can be productively implemented in 4-6 weeks and is available for the user immediately."
Uwe Pommerening, Rudolf Walker, Conductix-Wampfler GmbH"We see a major advantage in the integration between the vacation planning process within a team as well as requesting the vacation. Especially the transparency of the team calendar makes the process much easier."
Optimal SAP Fiori implementation –
deployment options and recommendations
The optimal implementation of SAP Fiori requires a careful selection of deployment options, such as on-premise, hybrid or cloud. Especially in the context of SAP S/4HANA, it is crucial to future-proof the system landscape. Companies should consider integration into the SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) in order to be able to react flexibly to the requirements of modern user interfaces while ensuring the efficiency and security of their systems.
Cloud vs. on-premise: A consideration
for the scdsoft Reference Letter Creator
In view of the upcoming end of maintenance for SAP on-premise solutions, companies must decide whether to switch to cloud technologies or continue using on-premise infrastructures. The scdsoft certificate generator offers a user-friendly and legally compliant way to create employment certificates in both variants. The article helps companies to choose the right solution based on their individual requirements.
New ESS application:
scdsoft Daily Timesheet
As an employee self-service for SAP Fiori, the “scdsoft Daily Timesheet” offers your employees the opportunity to record their time events in “one go” at the end of the working day or even at the end of the working week. The recording of daily working time (start & end and breaks) can be consolidated in a single process.